FeganScott Earns Two Designations in 2024 Best Law Firms Rankings

We are proud to announce that FeganScott has earned two designations in the 2024 Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” rankings for our excellence in personal injury and product liability litigation.

“We’re honored to be recognized by our colleagues as one of the best law firms in the country,” said Beth Fegan, managing partner at FeganScott. “These designations are a testament to our team’s exceptional work and their commitment to our clients.”

To learn more about FeganScott’s personal injury practice, click here, and for more information on the firm’s product liability work, click here.

Best Law Firms recognizes outstanding law firms based on a comprehensive nomination and peer-review process. Firms are ranked in three tiers and honored on a national and metro-based scale.

The 2024 rankings are based on Best Law Firms’ proven methodology that relies on data on legal skillset, achievements and client successes collected through the nomination process, and input from more than 97,000 lawyers from around the world.

To view the 2024 Best Law Firm rankings, click here.